The National Parks are starting to open their reservation systems for 2024! The parks surrounding Golden are known for their spectacular scenery, stunning water features, backcountry adventures, and historic landscapes. If you intend on reserving a camping spot in these parks, you aren’t the only one. It’s important to plan your adventures early so that you can get access to these beautiful places. Here’s a breakdown of important dates to reserve your camping spots in the national parks around Golden.
Picnic spot in Glacier National Park
Credit Dave Best
January 19th, 8 AM PST
Mount Revelstoke National Park
Tuesday, January 23 2024 at 8:00 am MT
Friday, January 26 2024 at 8:00 am MT
Tuesday, January 30 2024 at 8:00 am MT
Reservation Tips
The Parks Canada Reservation Service was updated last year and the new system looks a bit different from the platform used before 2023. But it still offers similar features and functions for making Parks Canada reservations.
If you have a user account from the old Parks Canada Reservation Service, you will need to set up a new user account. You can find details about how to set up a new account on Parks Canada’s website.
If you miss the boat, don’t worry!
Getting your desired camping spot can be tricky, especially when everyone wants to get out and explore the same places. The Parks reservation system helps to manage the amount of traffic that is frequenting these special areas, we don’t want to overrun the ecosystems and damage the habitat for flora and fauna. Luckily, Golden is conveniently located in the heart of these parks and can provide you with a wonderful base for your adventures in the mountains this spring, summer, and fall. If you can’t get the reservation you want, stay in Golden and venture to the parks from here, or use Golden as a refreshing place to stay in between your camping adventures.
Roger’s Pass Discovery Centre
Credit Dave Best